Endline Evaluation – SYFF Course for men – Uganda

Securing Your Family’s Future (SYFF) course for men is an interactive, gender-transformative course aimed at changing behaviors and mediating social norms related to women’s land and property rights. This pilot course was designed to facilitate a shift in peer norms among men on women’s land and property rights, particularly men’s knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, future intentions, and perceptions. Wellspring Philanthropic Fund initiated this effort in 2016 to improve women’s land tenure in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. The SYFF Course for Men was developed in partnership with the Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV & AIDS (KELIN), the Pastoral Women’s Council in Tanzania, the Uganda Community Based Association for Women and Children’s Welfare (UCOBAC), and Lori Rolleri Consulting, Inc based in New York. The course includes a series of six two-hour sessions over three to six weeks using a variety of interactive teaching methods. This training was conducted in Namungo Sub County in Mityana district, Uganda. A total of 120 men voluntarily attended this the SYFF Course for Men, delivered between September and October 2018.

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