Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation (CCRA)

The Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation ( CCRA )  program aims atbuilding community resilience to effects of climate change on food security and livelihoods. This is through;

 (i) Advocating for implementation of laws and policies that enhance family and community agricultural production and productivity.

 (ii) Building local capacity through community-based participatory actions aimed at promoting food security.

(iii) Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture practices to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

(iv) Promoting agro-forestry and utilization of appropriate agricultural technology to limit vulnerability to climate shocks.

(v) Collaborating/partnering with communities and duty bearers to draw resilience action plans.

Under the Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation program area, the Fair for All project is being implemented with the aim of improving Value Chains at Scale.

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